It's sad that a person like me feels it is necessary to post this image. I always was a strong advocate for the UN and its purpose to be, but for the first time I feel the UN has abandoned us completely. Actually it did not abandon us, it is useless. Innocent people are dying and we are not even close to stopping this madness. Much the contrary, I feel today that this war is not only going to go on, but I also feel it will get bigger and bigger. And this because the UN can't even come up with a working solution that will stop the fighting. Actually the UN Security Council sadly cannot even agree on a solution. This wants that and that wants this. It's nonsense. And while all this talking is taking place, people keep on dying. Innocent people and children.
The USA was supposed to be a friend of Lebanon after we got rid of Syria. This is how a friend acts? By not calling for a cease-fire but by calling for a continuation of hostilities? I am completely devastated by what is happening to my country. I am completely broken and I only see this situation get worse. We are in a whirlpool going down, down, down. As I write this Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah speaks on TV. What will he say? Does it matter anymore? I don't know, but after 4 weeks this seems it doesn't have an end anymore. At least, this will not end at the UN as we all hoped it will. This will be a long one, much longer than any Lebanese ever thought it will be.
The fact that Hezbollah was still in the south of your country already served as verification of the uselessness of the UN.
I don't know what to say, except that I'm so sorry that all of this is happening. I hope for peace for both sides.
I hope for peace throughout the Middle East as a whole. Despite what some may think of us in the US, even those of us who are conservative, we do want peace. We may disagree on how to get there, but we want peace. The same cannot be said for Nasrallah, Iran, or North Korea. We need to unite together to push those evils out.
I'm sorry that this is happening as well, but don't be surprised by the U.S. response...the Israeli lobby in this nation is very powerful. I was glad to see the French respond favorably to the Arab league, but knew our nation would present a problem. For what it's worth, I'm writing my legislators, but this is the case of an intransigent administration.
we are all broken. it's pure insanity.
rick...it is very sad to see people like you who constantly blame problems on the administration. Want to see partisan politics at their finest? Watch some of the Democrats and their strategists who have been on the news lately saying the US hasn't been supporting Israel enough. The one sided blame game needs to stop in this country. To believe the French are somehow morally better than we are is laughable. They have a different constituency to appease, one that has centuries old Arab tradition.
Sheikh Hassan Narallah has agreed to the sending of 15K Lebanese troops to the south...
This is very very good, by the way. Nobody should disregard the implications of this concession..its better than the sending of international troops.
It is very confusing as to why he would agree to it. Unless he believes that again he will be able to operate under the guise of a force being there and he is not. That being said, Israel needs to take this new deal, minus the prisoner swap, and work towards a diplomatic peace.
I thought this was a Lebanese people and army....... They're just as wortthless as the UN.
why minus the prisoner swap?
Israel has swapped prisoners before, why not now?
Anyways, this war was not about the captured prisoners...
Nasrallah agreed because he knows that its the only solution short of civil war...any non-Lebanese entity remaining in the south (however useless they are) will only trigger HZ...we will see how this plays out.
Israel has swapped prisoners before...and that is the exact reason to not do it this time. Stop appeasing the terrorists and give them less reason to act out.
"As for Nasrallah - well have you heard? sounds like a different tune he's started to sing this time. At least we got that done... "
Yay..but at what expense to Lebanon and its people? But, its perfectly okay, now that Israel will be safe from those crazy HZ....
10:15pm, what terrorists are you talking about? you need to be more specific.
The Lebanese people are the terrorists. they put on different clothes when the camera's point towards them. Hezbollah is made up of Lebanese’s so you are the terrorists. Your parents should be shot too for pouring hatred into your young minds. Oh wait they are being shot and blown up for the allegiance and creating the terrorists. You want to know which terrorist, just look into the National mirror of Lebanon.
Peace in the MiddleEast. It will never happen, ever. DEath and destruction will always be anywhere radical muslims are.
All of the bogs here are associated with the support of a terrorist cell. This includes the links to the right. They all go geared for propaganda uses to miss lead the American people. Don't believe the lies and distorted truths. Pictures on the web and the media are being altered by terrorist sympathizers to gain monetary and moral support for the destruction of Israel and all the Jews of the world.
All Arab Lebanese are terrorists, all liars and deserve to die a terrorist death. Israel has cast a guilty verdict on your lives and will continue to cleanse the earth of your vial existence.
UN: stands for Useless Nobodys! or better yet United Nickumpoops!America of course doesnt want this to end...it has done this time and time again...it pumps up the Lebanese to go for something only to stab them in the back...
Back in '89 they pumped up Aoun to fight with Syria and liberate Lebanon from Syrian occupation...then suddenly in '90 with the start of the Gulf war they sold Lebanon...and allowed Syria to swallow us up...cos it needed Syria as an ally in the Gulf War....
So, my fellow bros and sisters of this f*** cursed region...history, of course, repeats itself...we kicked Syria out...now since Syria is out...US can use Lebanon as a battlefield to fight Iran..escalation is definitely in the works...US is procrastinating until the end of August till this damn nuclear issues thing is "resolved"??? If it's not solved...then u can consider all hell will for sure break loose...
Sorry for us Lebs and the Israelis in the North of Israel ...u actually bought that this was a local neighborly thing??? Bullshit!
10:27/10:51 PM: simply illogically and devoid of insight. i feel sorry for you.
Don't feel sorry for him. We've located him ....
This war is absolutely insane and it's only serving the purpose of bringing out the Jewish anti-christ. What better way for the devil to come than to put the entire world in chaos and come to them in peace. IT's all apart of prophecy. For the U.S, what goes around comes around. We are getting closer and closer to having war at home.
check it out..........sums it up
To the "anon" who thinks I am only anti-Republican... read all of my posts...I am equally critical of any Democratic administration who panders to Israel, and nearly all politicians in the U.S. pander to Israel.
Read my own blog....while I blame the current Bush administration (King George II) for conducting a wholly illegal war in Iraq, the fact of the matter is that seeds for much of this conflict were sown by Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. Ironically, the only President to have gotten it right at all was King George I, who did what he was empowered to do in Iraq and then stopped.
The fact of the matter is that the U.S. panders to Israel... always has, and unfortunately always will. Israel is making the mistake of thinking that superior firepower will bring peace; they are sadly mistaken.
Rick are an American?
Or are you a Nazi Lover?
Sorry, are "you" an American.
Oh fuck it.
my little brother is now on the border with uniforms.
he is from the good guys. I swear.
hear some good music meanwhile. Sam shut up.
What is a good guy in your mind?
I can't, sorry.
Its funny how is it that the hundreds of thousands of deaths in Darfur, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Kosovo ... were acceptable to some but then all of a sudden the UN is to blame for our problems. Its strange, isn't it, when we are more than willing to start something on our own , even when it is against the council of others, and when we get in trouble we start looking for others to save us. All of a sudden the parties whose council we had rejected become responsible for our mismanagemnt and misguided acts.
wtf Sam? Yes, I am an American....one who doesn't think like "Big Brother" or Fox News tells me to think. I am not one the herded cattle who thinks its ok to have the government peruse my telephone calls, or to start illegal wars and then lie about it.
I genuinely miss the days when we had a president whose worst flaw was not keeping his fly closed. This administration is a frakking joke, and it has made the United States a frakking joke. And here we go once again kissing Israel's collective ass because it means money and votes for politicians. And all the while people, yes people, are being killed and we think it's ok because their blood is less important than ours. It's disgusting.
Giving Israel our backing and support is what we would do for any allies unless it cost us something...nothing special about Israel, and it isn't a top secret middle east launch pad.
And yes, of course, Bush is an idiot who has done immense damage to our country, and what does he now do to make it better? well nothing of course, although they have just drafted an amendment to make humiliating prisoners unpunishable by law...[sarcasm]super great way to rebuild our credibility W.[/sarcasm]
Why can't he just do nothing until his term is over? Just doing nothing would be better than constantly making things worse.
AMEN, anon!
I'm proud of Bush, Clinton and all Americans.
All Americans? Why? Because they are American? That's just silly.
First of all,thanks for acctual information from the lebanese perspective.And the ignorant,war mongering anonymous, you`re the one with the propaganda.... The u.s is pretty unique in ruling hezbolla a terrorist organisation,like hamas, they got way more to them than that,that would be like calling you a terrorist becouse you live in a country infamous for destroying the rest....... no one outside your country believe fox news ok,so stop talking like em,or trust me your country will get what you suggested the lebanese writer should get,a bullet.... seems like you need it!
Let those who follow politics discuss it,without destroying the debate like you have,twisting it,making it a blame game,it`s not. Having said that; the U.s/Israel pact with it`s cronies are polarising the world,only thing they are not noticing is that the world is now 5/6 anti american,most of europe included....... Nazi-Germany could never compare to either the Israelis or the Americans,they actually were nicer!
I love America as well and everything it stands for. The flag flying almost brings a tear to my eye, and the national anthem does the same thing to me as everyone else here...
Bush is more than just an embarrassment to our country...in reality the foreign policy mistakes are big, but not why I dislike him so much...he tries to ammend our constitution for his religious beliefs on marriage, he breaks the law by spying on American citizens without warrants, steal our civil rights people died to gain, and he tries now to rewrite the Geneva Conventions, and basically tries to change things great men did that got us where we are....on behalf of these great men....I say now he is a disgrace to our country...an absolute disgrace to our civil rights, our freedoms, our people, our place in the world...a complete DISGRACE...I am taken back by the damage one man could do to an entire country in such a short amount of time...he ignores congress.our forefathers made it extremely clear how the balances of power would work....the draft he now will present says it is perfectly legal for CIA, political appointees, and ex-military to put dog collars on prisoners, force them to be naked and shit their pants, and it is legal to steal the dignity and humiliate prisoners by any means needed...what a disgrace, my god I want him gone so bad so I can feel proud again of the things we do.
THANK YOU, Anon.... and to others who think it is un-American to criticize our government, quite the contrary... it is perfectly American to criticize our own government. We claim to be the role models for the world? Then we need to walk the talk. What a great post...thank you.
Oh I'm not critizing my gov, just the flower power tree huging hippies like yourself. And yes Rick I'm even proud of you. If you a born or legal American then you are my brother. We are family.
In truth Sam, we are ALL family, no matter what nation people were born in, we can all be traced back to tribes in Africa. So I'm not sure why it's ok to insult one part of the family and commend another.
I've never been characterized as a "tree hugger" before.... as I tend to be pretty hawkish when I think it is actually necessary. But thanks for the compliment.
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men" Abraham Lincoln
Thanks for posting this quote...
Lincoln was a very wise man. I am here, Sam and other anons, not because I am liberal or a tree hugger, but because what is taking place needs to be objected to. I'm not nearly as noble as Abe, but it's at least a step.
Um Rick, America is made up of all creeds. I don't get into other countries people as much. When they become one of us then were all family.
"The UN is nothing more than a bunch of blow hards that are too afraid to do anything constructive (beyond passing a bunch of toothless resolutions). It is for this precise reason, the US tends to ignore the UN when it perceives action is required." ---- US has BLOCKED the resolution condemning Israel for its disproportionate use of force, that's why UN Security Council cannot agree on anything. Everybody knows that US is always supporting Israel, no matter what. It is obvious as well that US is trying constantly to undermine UN so that nobody gets in the way of the world "hegemon".
In a way, I know eventually Hezbollah would be defeated given enough time, but they claim victory now...my honest opinion, and it is honest, is that in a sense I would like to see Israel never stopped until Hezbollah will admit defeat.
Normally I am usually for the underdog, but the damage they brought by not just dropping their weapons and going and getting real jobs is too immense to ignore, and they keep it going.
1:53am: HZ continues because Israel continues...and Israel may say the same thing..round and round we go...
Everyone knows (including Israel) that HZ will never admit defeat..never stand down...
with that being said, Nasrallah already stated that if Israel stops, they will stop...simple... remember, it was Israel that dropped the first bombs....but regardless of who started and for what purpose, nobody is willing to take the first step..
HZ has already won, if you call this a victory, regardles of the outcome (disarmed, killed, whatever)...they won the second this Israeli campaign (and US support of it) was put into effect in Lebanon...
don't you get it?
this blogg is just another part of the war, everybody bickering about petty details, who did what first, who is to 'blame', just like five year olds in gindergarden. if we can't see the bigger picture, who can?
if not for HZ, this whole thing would never have started. i think most would agree on that.
shouldn't we focuss out energy on getting rid of HZ?
israel and lebanon could potentioly be very good neighbers in the future. we should be making that happen, eiven if it is only here, on the net
I won't get into the rather obvious ills of the current american presidency that anonymous 12:56 has outlined above. I just want to say that to my mind the UNs weakness is a direct consequence of the worlds large powers and especially the United States in its manipulation of the organization. The UN is nothing more than a meeting place, a place where the world can discuss issues and take action on these issues. Obviously opinions will differ and compromises will have to be made, but if the United States has it's own agenda and is after it's own interests then obviously the UN is rendered useless. If it was the will of the United States to bring about peace in the world then it would be so, and there is no better place to do it than the UN. Everyboy is there, listening and ready to talk.
One could argue that any one country is only after its own interests and although that is true, I answer that with "With great power comes great responsibility" - and I am not seeing any of that. If America is really so great as Americans beleive it to be then it is time to start living up to that role and stop dressing up wars for cheap oil for america with fabricated moral arguments that have more holes in them than swiss cheese.
"if not for HZ, this whole thing would never have started.."???
This is exactly the point....as I have stated before and everyone in the international community knows, this plan was ready and waiting to be enforced-this "whole thing" was going to happen no matter what...doesnt justify either parties actions..
nobody is bickering about details..details dont matter when innocent people on both sides are dying...
why not focus energy on stopping Israel? Unfortunately, you will never get rid of HZ. You might decrease or even stop their military capabilities but you wont get rid of them. anymore than you can get rid of Israel..remember they are also a social and political force in Leb.
I am not of support of HZ, but neither Israeli policy.
I visited Lebanon and was evacuated when the conflict began. I too am devastated about what is happening, and I am ashamed that my country and many of my countrymen show a complete and utter lack of empathy. Nothing like being on the wrong side of U.S.-funded, Israeli-directed bombs to change one's perspective. Hang in there, I for one, am pulling for you.
A new poll out in the US shows a net of 28% said the war in Lebanon will hurt the situation for the United States in Iraq, That is very significant because polling shows the war in Iraq is one of top 3 issues for Americans right now.
Americans said they disapprove by a small majority the way Bush is handling the war in Lebanon, consistent with previous polls. However Americans strongly favor a UN peacekeeping force - which is of course opposed by Hezbollah.
Americans think Israel is using about the right level of force although a net of 16% said Israel should do more to avoid civilian casualties. Perhaps consistent with that a net of 20% said that Israel should not accept a cease-fire until Hezbollah is disarmed. A net of only 7% said Israel will be more secure because of attacking Hezbollah.
Obviously there is a lot of work for Lebanese officials and bloggers in trying to give the American public a better idea of what has happened in their country. Siniora has appeared for a half hour already on US TV, but rambled on about the plight of the Palestinians which isn't a major issue with Americans. In fact linking Lebanon with the Palestinians was a major blunder by Siniora.
The polls show only a small minority say Israel should treat the Palestinians better, perhaps because they are associated with suicide bombings against Israel which is a non-starter for almost all Americans.
Source: http://www.pollingreport.com/israel.htm
world peace.
Israel has had its eye on the Litani River since 1948. It was part of their original map of the Israeli state, and they are counting on poaching it to ease their severe water problems. Mark my words, they won't stop until they at least get that.
Please, Chris Baker, what are you talking about "the way Bush is handling the war in Lebanon"? Last time I looked this was a war being fought solely by Israel against Hezbollah militia. How is Kofi Annan "handling the war"?
Whether our leaders, spokespeople, statesmen, pundits, or others around the world approve or disapprove, this conflict is not being handled by others.
And thank goodness the UN is NOT in charge! What an inept bunch of peacekeepers!
I've been waiting years to fly my U.N. flag at home, but in light of the current fiasco I'll put it away for next decade....
The U.N. has had several year to assess, report, and act on problems in the south of Lebanon. It has done NOTHING!
Heads should roll over there in NYC and some shake up occur which will put the world community back on track to working together towards peace. The U.N. does not want to tackle difficult tasks, and when it does pass resolutuions, it has no notion of how to enforce them!
The founders of the U.N. will be turning in their graves at the dismal level of leadership shown by the many small-time thugs running things! How low they have sunk!
UN, turn in your uniforms!
I would not trust the mission or capability of a Lebanese army as a peacekeeping force. They were ineffective at disarming Hezbollah in the first place, second they have been in hiding for the past month when they could have been doing something along the same line as proposed, and third if they have similar views towards Israel as your Prime Minister, they will allow Hezbollah to regroup and re-arm.
What's wrong with some multi-national force (not made up of US, British, or other "coalition" forces)?
History, who started the conflict?
Lili, I like you and I hope that you pass this terrible bloody war in Peace, I wish your brother comes back soon and that he is well.
I give up, Jim. Who started it?
Peace and stop the killing must be the main aim of all activity!! It should be quite obvious...
But some guys dont see it like that. I never want to convict anybodys religion, but the layout of it sometimes.
If Iran, Hizbollah etc. want Peace exclusively after! Israel is disposed from the maps, they should be fought, in my point of view.
I wish all the best for the people who are down there, suffering very close in these regions from this terrible war.
lili.. this is a very sweet site u put there:) i loved the video :)
Your brother is part of the army that is defending Israel by trying to get rid of Hezbollah, invading my country, destroying its entire infrastructure, trying to take over the Litani River (maybe on permanent basis), terrorizing people with the sounds of planes and drones buzzing, not to mention with phone calls, almost all after midnight, signed the State of Israel, and killing loads and loads of innocent people in the process.
I don’t believe in violence nor in hatred, and I don’t believe in slapping one label on a bunch of people.
So I want you to know that despite what the Israeli army is doing to my country, I find it in my heart to truly hope that your brother will safely return home, to your loving family. (Albeit very very soon).
I pray for peace and for people on both sides of the border to be safe.
No peace until the job is done!
I do agree that the U.N. is and has been a useless organization taken over by some pretty unscrupulous players. I've been an advocate of pulling out for years!
But, as to your feeling abandoned by the U.N., no doubt due to the bombing. I just don't understand how Lebanon could have thrown it's promising future away by marrying Iran via Hezbollah - the money I guess!
One month ago, this could've been over if only (in Lebanons case)the two Israeli soldiers were returned. Is it, what you're living now, worth it? Incidently, Britain foiled another murderous airline bomb plot last night!
Everybody knows anyway that the UN has become an American tool.
Breakthrough in talks over cease-fire resolution; Security Council expected to convene Friday
hurra hope this is true and that this is the light in the end of the tunnel
Kevin from the us
I find it funny that some have called the UN a us tool because I think most Americans feel that it is just a Useless political mess. It takes forever if every for them to come up with a resolution and when they do they can't a agree how to enforce it.
Chris Baker this blog dose help to get the word out. I read every day the FOX News and the gulf daily news to try to get both sides of the story. since the start of this war I have been reading this blog and found that there is a lot more in the middle that I'm missing.
At the start I was for the Israel and I do not believe in proportional use of force. A war is a war and is fought with every thing you have. But with that said I do not agree with the way Israel is fighting this war. They are holding back the troops because they are afraid of the casualties yet they are bombing populated ares. In my eyes the different between a war and a terrorist is a terrorist uses one man to kill 10-20 people and a war 10-20 military die to 1 innocent person. I think Israel has gone from a justifiable war to being as much of a terrorist as the group they set out to destroy .
The other thing is I would like to see is people at least saying what country they are from so I can tell if it is just another outsider like myself or some one there who's opinion counts.
A great quote by Golda Meir:
"We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."
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